Meet our Team
Salvador “Overlord” Abiera, DPT
“The first time I saw Sal, I thought, ‘this guy may be crazy!’. Now that I know him better, I can say for certain that he is a lunatic".” - Elias Waverider
If he’s not daydreaming or playing DND, Sal is hard at work creating content and coming up with kooky schemes that put the party way in over their heads. He lives with his wife and his furry monster dog, Bobo.
Norman “Support Main” Quach, DPT, PT
Always fidgety and full of anxiety, Norman grew up in a quiet suburbia, fostering his interest in games and the outdoors. Mostly here for moral and emotional support, and always trying to find himself. His response to, “You should move out of your mom’s place”, is always, “IN THIS ECONOMY??”
Collin “Min-Maxer” Christensen, DPT, PT, CSCS
Ragged breaths escaped me as I was pushed to the edge of my abilities - that’s when I heard the words I dreaded most… “Keep it up, next set.” – A Trainee of Collin
Always seeking to maximize performance, Collin enjoys drafting up the ideal character build much as he does crafting challenging fitness & rehabilitation programs. He and his wife hail from the frigid north, where he practices in a sports health clinic setting.