Episode 1 goes over how to quickly get your character stats and fill out your character sheet.
Read MoreOne of the goals we had with founding FortifySTR was to help get people to find a movement practice that they enjoyed and could practice consistently without fail.
Read MoreMeal prep is one of the most powerful habit changes you can make when it comes to eating healthier. In fact, I would consider meal prep a KEYSTONE habit, which is a habit that leads to a cascade of other habits. It can create massive change for your life, your looks, and your health.
Read MoreThis blog discusses my food origin story which talks about how my relationship with food developed to where it is today.
Read MoreThis article goes over the best wrist braces for carpal tunnel syndrome and how to find the best one for you.
Read MoreThese are 2 of the best stretches (and one of the worst) to help relieve carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.
Read MoreThe path to our goals can feel as arduous and distant as Frodo’s trek into Mordor. To make it worse, the goal to get healthier also feels way less badass than destroying the One Ring to save all free peoples of Middle Earth from Sauron’s iron fist. Fortunately, gamification can help take your health journey from boring to heroic.
In this article, we are talking about how to increase the depth of your squat.
Read MoreIn our second part of the How to Squat Series, we learn what parts of the squat we can improve upon.
Read MoreThis week we are talking about the squat. If you are just starting out on your journey, learning a comfortable squat position and then loading it with weight is probably one of the simplest and most effective ways to prepare your body for adventure.
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