World of Terra Fitness RPG Episode 1 : Creating Your Character
This series will take you step by step into playing the World of Terra Fitness RPG. For the full rule set, sign up for our BETA test here.
Making Your Character
The very first thing you do when starting the World of Terra RPG is to create your character. I explain why this is so important HERE, but the next step is actually filling out your character sheet. If you signed up for the BETA, the sheet should have been sent to you as part of the Adventurer’s Guide. If not, you can find the character sheet HERE.
Rather than repeat the detailed instructions that were sent to you, I’m going to be guiding you through the toughest portions of character creation: Finding your stats.
The empty character sheet looks like this:
Empty Character Sheet
Character Stats
We created a long form assessment test to help you find your character stats, which is included in the Adventurer’s Guide. Since it takes quite awhile to perform it and people were getting hung up on just creating their character, we decided to create a short version that can be completed within 20 minutes. The gallery below lists each test!

Are you able to do all normal daily activities without help (eating, sleeping, showering etc.)? Yes = 5 points.
What multiplier of your bodyweight can you squat? What multiplier of your bodyweight can you deadlift? What multiplier of your bodyweight can you bench press?
Take these numbers and multiply by 2. Add 5 points from first question for your total strength score. [Example: If I weigh 200 pounds and can squat 400lbs(2x multiplier), deadlift 500 lbs (2.5x multiplier), and bench press 200lbs (1x multiplier), I would add +11 points to the +5 points from the initial question for a total STR score of 16.]
What is your running mile time? 10 min = +10 points
Subtract 1 point for each 2 min longer than 10 minutes. Add 1 point for each 30s faster than 10 min. Max is 20.
Your score will be based on typing words per minute (WPM) with 95 percent accuracy:
30 WPM=+5 points
50 WPM= +10 points
75 WPM = +15 points
100+ WPM= +20 points
Typing test can be taken here:
Answer the questions on a subjective scale from 0-5. Add them up for your Wisdom score.
How much time have you spent doing activities that bring you pure joy? (0-5)
Do you have a goal(s) that brings purpose that you are actively working towards it (0-5)
How much quiet time do you take daily? (0-5)
How often do you write or think about the blessings in your life (0-5)
Must perform movement with all requirements for points.
Squat: With feet together, can you squat until you are able to place palms on floor? +5
Touch Floor: From standing with feet together, reach down and place palms on floor without bending knees. +5
Shoulder Range: Reaching overhead, touch your opposite shoulder blade. Then, reaching behind, your back touch your opposite shoulder blade. Repeat with other arm. +5
Rotation: With feet together planted and facing forward, rotate your torso to the right as far as you can until the side of your shoulder is pointing directly +5
Perform the quadrant jump test below.
Your Agility is your total score (before averaging) on the quadrant jump test.
Once you have completed each test, put the corresponding number for each ability score on your character sheet! The hard part is DONE.
The Rest of the Character Sheet
The rest of the character sheet is much easier to fill out. Once again, the detailed instructions are in the Notion link which was sent to you when you signed up for the BETA. But we want to reiterate just a few things.
Spend some time really creating a character avatar that represents qualities or abilities that you want to foster in yourself. Research has shown that this can aid in your journey to better health and fitness.
Find or create a character portrait that really inspires and motivates you. (Take a look at your inspiration list for…well…for inspiration)
Make SMART goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time dependent. Example: I will lose ten pounds in the next twelve weeks through changes in diet, sleep and exercise.
For your backstory, list how you (or your character) has gotten to where you are today. Be honest! This is your life and for better or for worse, accepting our backstory is a step into moving forward on the next step of our epic adventure.
Once you have finished the rest of your sheet, we can move to the next step…choosing your Movement Archetype.