How to Squat Better: Leveling Up Your Squat Depth [Part III]
Now that we’ve gone over the “what” to work on…let’s get in on the “how” to work on for squat mobility!
Consider this your special training regimen to increase your proficiency in squats (I can do this all day).
Eccentric dorsiflexion
Static stretching is so 1st Edition. Come into the modern age by doing an ankle exercise that arcane scholars have deemed to actually work like magic in increasing ankle mobility.
Using a heel lift
Can’t hit the bottom of your squat? Want to see a magic trick? Put something under your heels. Squat. Woah…you can go lower now….what…?!
One way to give yourself “fake” ankle mobility is to put some sort of heel lift or wedge underneath your heels. This is a good stop gap so you can keep training while you sort out your ankle mobility (and also a good option if you have some sort of injury you are recovering from).
[picture incoming]
Generally when it comes to knee mobility, the limiting factor here is pain. Without a proper evaluation (which we are able to provide for you, if you so require), it is hard to pinpoint exactly why this can be.
However, until then here is a potential fix for you. Rotate your feet outwards. Instead of pointing your feet straight ahead, turn them outwards slightly. This shifts the plane (transverse, not astral) of movement which can give people more mobility and often less pain.
[picture incoming]
Hip Internal Rotation
Take a look at this stretch to increase your internal rotation of your hip! Try to make a strong contraction of your muscle at the end range of this stretch to try to pull you into a deeper stretch. This can help your body understand that this range is safe to be in (yes, your body is a sentient weapon).
Posterior capsule stretch
There is a bunch of ligaments in the back of the hip that may get tight and limit your squat. Here is one way to address that. We haven’t made a video on this yet, but check this great one out.
End range contraction during stretches
One great way to generally improve your mobility program is to add a strong contraction at the end range of your stretch. What this means is that you tense your muscle at the furthest part of the stretch and hold it. This tells your body that this range is OK.
Slow Lower Goblet Squat
I had to share this awesome picture by Sam Buntrock of a goblet …er…goblin squat.
Doing this motion with a very slow controlled lower portion is great for increasing mobility because it is working up your leg muscles while the muscles are lengthened. Remember, when you load muscles while they are lengthened, you can improve mobility.
For a good progression check out this progression video we did on the squat:
Getting all the way to the bottom of a squat isn’t necessary for everyone. It depends on your goals. However, if increasing our range of motion for strengthening is the goal, we have to focus on all the components of the squat to reach our potential. Focus on one part at a time, and you’ll be tapping the floor with your butt in no time.